Terms And Conditions

The Vehicle Rental Agreement comprises these terms and conditions and the rental document setting out the hire details which is provided with each Vehicle at the point of hire (referred to in these terms and conditions as the “Vehicle Rental Agreement”). The Vehicle Rental Agreement is made between GT3 Luxury Car Rental Sdn. Bhd. (herein referred to as “the GT3 Luxury Car” and the person and /or company signing the Vehicle Rental Agreement (herein referred to as “the Hirer”) whose particulars are recorded in the Vehicle Rental Agreement. It is hereby agreed as follows:

Vehicle Description And Term Of Hire

⦁ The GT3 Luxury Car will let and the Hirer will take the motor Vehicle, details of which are described in the Vehicle Rental Agreement (herein referred to as “the Vehicle”), for the term of hire as described in the Vehicle Rental Agreement.

Persons Who May Drive The Rental Vehicle
⦁ The Vehicle may be driven during the term of hire only by the persons named on the Vehicle Rental Agreement or in a supplementary driver’s sheet attached to the Vehicle Rental Agreement, and only if they hold a current full valid driver’s license appropriate for the Vehicle while they are using the Vehicle.

Security Deposit
⦁ Hirer will be required to provide a security deposit to the GT3 Luxury Car to be used in the event of loss or damage to the Rental Vehicle during the term of this agreement. In the event of any damages or any unforeseen circumstances cause throughout the stated rental period, Owner will apply the Security Deposit to defray the cost of necessary coverage or replacement. Refund of Security Deposit will be made upon car return in good condition and clean or after deducting any charges, penalty, and police summon. Security Deposit will be fully refunded within THREE(3)-FIVE(5) working days via online transfer only provided the vehicle condition is well as it is when pass on to the Hirer.

Document Required
∙ NRIC / Passport, Valid Driving License.
∙ All renter / driver must be at the age from 18 and above.
∙ Hirer is request to show the original document while picking up the Rented Vehicle.

Payment By Hirer
⦁ The Hirer shall pay the GT3 Luxury Car for the hire of the Vehicle the sum or sums specified in the Vehicle Rental Agreement; and authorizes the GT3 Luxury Car to charge all amounts payable to the Hire’s account. The Hirer’s account means a nominated debit card, credit card, or pre-arranged charge account.
⦁ The Hirer shall be liable at the end of the hire term to pay to the GT3 Luxury Car any applicable additional charges payable at the end of the term. These include, but are not limited to:
i. a fee to cover additional drivers;
ii. additional charges for distance driven;
iii. charges for petrol or other fuel used (but not oil);
iv. road user charges;
v. charges for late return of the Vehicle;
vi. charges for damage to or repair of the Vehicle (subject to the other terms of the Vehicle Rental Agreement); and any enforcement charges relating to such damage or repairs (including legal costs). The Hirer shall bear the RM 200.00 deductible for any damages and repair unless the Hirer has purchased the additional coverage;
vii. charges for cleaning the Vehicle’s interior if the Vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition that requires extra cleaning or deodorizing. This includes, but is not limited to, spoilage of fluids, food, vomit, other stains, and unpleasant odours including cigarette smoke;
viii. traffic and/or parking offence infringement fees;
ix. the administration fees as specified in the Vehicle Rental Agreement, and
x. any surcharges in connection with the use of a debit or credit car by the Hirer.
⦁ The GT3 Luxury Car will charge the amount set out above to the Hirer’s account during or after the term of hire is completed, or the Hirer may pay such charges as agreed with the GT3 Luxury Car, such choice to be at the GT3 Luxury Car’s sole discretion.
⦁ If the Hirer fail to pay any money due under or in connection with the Vehicle Rental Agreement within 14 days of the date by which the Hirer was required to pay the money, the GT3 Luxury Car may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the GT3 Luxury Car may have or be entitled to, charge the Hirer and the Hirer must pay all additional costs as outlined below:

i. penalty charge at 10% (compounded daily) or the total amount owing from the expiry of 14 days from the date on which the Hirer was required to pay the money to the date of payment;
ii. all costs incurred by the GT3 Luxury Car for the collection of the unpaid money by a debt collection agency or other external or legal agency; and
iii. an administration fee of RM 100.

Damage / Accident
⦁ Both GT3 Luxury Car and Hirer shall supply and return the Vehicle in a safe and road worthy condition.
⦁ The following intention / act is strictly prohibited by the Hirer:
⦁ sublet the vehicle
⦁ shall not be used for illegal activities (i.e., drugs, alcohol)
⦁ shall not be operated in race or rally
⦁ to be driven by person whom name not appear in the Rental Agreement
⦁ parking at restricted area
⦁ no smoking
⦁ the use of car rental is restricted within Kuching town (EXCEPT Puncak Borneo Highland), Kota Samarahan, Serian (until Serian Town). Out of these mentioned areas will be imposed a penalty of RM 500.00 unless obtaining prior permission. NOT ALLOWED drive to outside Malaysia e.g Indonesia.
otherwise, outstation surcharge will be incurred accordingly.
⦁ The Hirer shall be responsible for any and all loss or damage to collision, roll over, theft vandalism, seizure, regardless of fault.

Traffic Offences
⦁ All penalties related to traffic and/or parking offences are the responsibility of the Hirer and the GT3 Luxury Car may charge the Hirer’s credit card for any traffic and/or parking offence infringement fees incurred by the Hirer. The GT3 Luxury Car undertakes, in the event that the GT3 Luxury Car receives notice of any traffic or parking offenses incurred by the Hirer, to send a copy of any such notice to the Hirer as as soon as is practicable and to provide the necessary information to the relevant issuing authority for such notices to be directed to the Hirer. The Hirer has the right to challenge, complain about, query or object to the alleged offence to the issuing enforcement and has right to seek a court hearing (within 30days from the date of issue of the infringement notice).

Mechanical Repairs And Accidents
⦁ If the Vehicle is involved in an accident, is damaged, breaks down or requires repair or salvage, regardless of cause, the Hirer shall notify the GT3 Luxury Car of the full circumstances by telephone immediately.
⦁ The Hirer shall not arrange or undertake any repairs or salvage without the GT3 Luxury Car’s authority (this includes, but not limited to, purchasing a replacement tyre) except to the extent that repairs or salvage are necessary to prevent further damage to the Vehicle or to other property.
⦁ 24 Hour Roadside Assistance is free for all inherent mechanical faults (as determined by the GT3 Luxury Car or its authorised repairer) related to the Vehicle specified in the Vehicle Rental Agreement. For all other roadside assistance call outs including refueling, jump start, tyre related incidents, lost keys and keys locked in the Vehicle, a service fee will be charged.
⦁ If the Vehicle requires repair or replacement, the decision to supply another Vehicle to the Hirer is at the GT3 Luxury Car’s sole discretion.

Usage Time
⦁ Charges of rental is calculated based on daily basis rental rate, with a minimal renting period of one day (24hours). Full day rate will still be imposed regardless the usage time is lesser than 24hours, no rebate or refund for any early return.
⦁ Deposit paid is NON-REFUNDABLE for cancellation made within 24 hours prior to collection of vehicles.
⦁ Any request to extend the rental time will depends on the availability of the vehicle and the approval from the GT3 Luxury Car.

Additional Charges
⦁ Fuel level should be maintained at the same level as when Hirer picks up the vehicle otherwise refueling charges will be imposed.
⦁ Late night (10:00pm-8:00am) surcharge of RM 50.00 will be imposed for the pick-up or drop off of vehicle.

Cancellation Of Hire Agreement
⦁ The GT3 Luxury Car has the right to terminate the hire and take immediate possession of the Vehicle if the Hirer fails to comply with any of the terms of the Vehicle Rental Agreement, or if the Vehicle is damaged. The termination of a hire under the authority of this clause shall be without prejudice to the other rights of the GT3 Luxury Car and the rights of the Hirer under the Vehicle Rental Agreement or otherwise.

⦁ Hirer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless GT3 Luxury Car for any loss, damage, or legal actions against GT3 Luxury Car as a result of Hirer’s operation or use of the Vehicle during the term of this Vehicle Rental Agreement. This includes any attorney fees necessarily incurred for these purposes. Hirer will also pay for any traffics/JPJ/MBKS/PDFRM fine or compounds, moving violations, or other citations received while in the possession of the Vehicle.

We kindly request that Hirer carefully review the Terms & Conditions listed in the Vehicle Rental Agreement before proceeding.
The comprehension and collaboration of Hirer is greatly appreciated.